No one can frustrate me like me
"Do or do not. There is no try."
You ever get into your head so much that it just makes things worse? I have a bad habit of doing this, especially when it comes to physical training. Be it my golf swing, Kung Fu, or anything else that requires body mechanics to achieve, there are times where I'll think way too hard about what I'm trying to achieve and I end up frustrated. When I am faced with such a situation I adjust my mindset to "don't think about it and just do it". Hence the Yoda quote, "Do or do not." I find if I take this approach, my body tends to do what I want it to. The latest instance of this was Tiger's tail. Actually that whole class was one big frustration for me, I just couldn't seem to connect anything we were working on that night. I was definitely way too much in my head and frustrating myself. So what did I do? I went home and said to myself "Don't think about it, and just do it. If it works, great! We'll repeat to make sure it wasn't just a fluke. If you mess up again, then we can start analyzing." I'm here to say that it worked, and I was able to repeat it.
This brings me to my next point, which is developing an eye for detail is great and can go a long ways, but there are times you need to just do. Don't get me wrong here, developing an eye for detail is fantastic and will pay dividends in the long run, but too much focus can stall you out, frustrate you, and burn you out. The more I develop my eye for detail, the more sensitivity I develop in my techniques which is great, until I get fixated on the little details. Then that starts to spell trouble for me, because I pigeon hole myself into a narrow viewpoint, when really I should just train the big picture at that point. Moral of the story that I'm trying to get to, is sometimes more doing and less thinking is the way to go. being mindful about our training is great, as long as it remains constructive. The moment it starts to be more critical, that's when we (myself) need to shift the way we think and just train.
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