Where I'm currently at

         I've been having difficulty with my physical training this year.  Although I am still putting in effort, and for the most part maintaining my numbers, it still feels less in some way.  Clearly the bulk of my time has been spent in getting reattuned to my spiritual side.  I've done a lot of work these past 5 months, and there is still so much more to do.  Which answers the question of how I'm feeling with the physical training.  Right now it is my emotional and spiritual needs that are being met, and my physical needs are right now, less important.

        Even with the Tiger Challenge coming up this weekend, I have found that my training probably isn't where it should be for that event, and yet, I'm not necessarily feeling guilt about that.  I know what my capabilities currently are, and where they could be; they are simply not my current focus.  I'm sort of okay with that, not truly at peace, but okay.  I know it is important to be taking the current journey I am on, but part of me does worry about where I am with my physical training.  All I know is I need to work on that spiritual and emotional side now, if I want my physical training to reap the benefits later.


  1. Balance is essential. Kung Fu is so much more than the physical. There are times where our mental, spiritual, and emotional needs are more important than our physical needs when it comes to mastery. I'm glad you're not just focusing on the obvious. This diversity and self awareness in your approach is going to serve you well.


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