Of Course This is Going to be About the Tiger Challenge
I took part in my first Tiger Challenge, and had a blast! Definitely a bit easier to attend virtually because of my work schedule; typically Saturdays are a no go for me. I was able to block off my schedule for the couple hours I needed. I participated in the hand form and weapon form, and honestly wasn't all that nervous. If anything, I was more disappointed that I didn't finish my weapon form in time, and even the part that I demonstrated in the tournament was only part of my form, otherwise I would have finished the rest of my form with my back turned towards the judges... probably not the greatest way to end. It was so great to see everyone else perform too. If anyone ever needs a boost of inspiration, you just need to look towards your peers. They all did an amazing job, and definitely inspired me.
Training has been good, especially now that the weather has warmed up; I can get out of the cold, dark dungeon that is my basement and practice outside. As for my personal goal, running is a lot more enjoyable with the warm weather. The one goal I am struggling with, and haven't really started... is my writing for my novel. I'm still dealing with some self doubt there, which is silly, because no one else has really seen my writing, but also, my end goal is to try to get it published. Lime training, I know I need to just start doing it, get to writing, and then that way it will become a habit again. Sigh.... One of these days.
That's all from me this week. Will have to give a numbers update next week.
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