Small Adjustments
I've recently made a few tweaks to my diet. I do this every so often to meet a need, and more importantly, to create better habits. The one time I made a drastic change to my lifestyle was back around 2009-2010, and that was out of a health necessity. Since then, I make small adjustments here and there to keep me on track.
Thinking about this made me realize that I approach my training the same, I approach mastery the same way. If you can make a big, drastic change and keep up with it, then good for you, you're probably in the minority of people who can do that. Most people need to make small, incremental adjustments to stay on track, and form habits that last. I choose the things that I want to make a change to, for the better, and focus on that, knowing that I have habits that I still need to address. After some time of adjusting, and making these new changes into something consistent, I then look at the other things I could make improvements too.
Reason I've jumped on this train of thought is because in a short while, I'll have to come up with personal requirements for next years IHC. I really took a good look at what was and wasn't serving me this year, and realized I made a lot of superficial requirements. Guess what? They didn't serve me, at least not the way I was hoping. Could they serve me at some point? Maybe, with the right attitude. Clearly, my focus wasn't on this past years requirements. This does not mean I'm giving up on them by any means, but it is allowing me the opportunity to dig deeper, and create requirements, however small, that will become a lifestyle habit, that will further my journey towards mastery.
A small stone can still create many ripples in a pond. Smaller actions repeated time and again, can create marvelous change that is fully sustainable, than making big adjustments that burn you out halfway through the journey.
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