While it is great to have an "eye for detail", I do find I get caught up too much in the details, and don't spend enough time just doing the other things I need to do. What brought up this line of thought? It occurred to me while I was busy editing the chapters of my book that I'm writing. I feel like I've been stuck on the same 4 chapters for months now, even though I have 13 chapters written. I keep going back and wondering, "Does this really make sense?". I want to have a strong foundation so that the narrative can continue, but at some point to, I feel like I just have to write and worry about the other details later.
Same with my Kung Fu, there are areas in my forms that I know need work, and so I spend time on those parts. I nitpick at the details and do them over and over. Then I'll do the form as a whole and go, okay that still needs work, so I do that part over and over. Same feeling arises that I just need to start doing the form as a whole and worry about fine-tuning those areas later. At a certain point I know that the form as a whole needs to progress and I can't just be worrying about one or two sections.
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