Spinning Back Kick

         I set out this year to work on my spinning back kick, which is why I put it in my weapons form, not once, but twice.  Admittedly this has been a tough kick for me to execute, which is why I placed it in my form, to force myself to work on it more.  As I was practicing my kicks on the heavy bag the other day, I ended with some spinning back kicks and was surprised by how good they felt... on the right side at least... haven't practiced the left side enough.  I found my set-up and distancing was consistently better,  I was able to plant the foot I spin on more effectively.   I was getting my shoulders more open to my target just before launching the kick, which allowed me to better see my target, instead of just looking over my shoulder like I was doing before.  I had a better chamber before launching the kick, which in the past was something I had an issue with, I was more swinging my leg up and out before, than having it come from the hip.   Each kick found the target I was looking for with good power, except one that I released too early and ended up kind of glancing off the side.  All in all, I was happy with my progress, and glad that I decided to challenge myself with that kick in my form.  The moment also made me realize just how much I love Kung Fu, and how cool it is to be practicing it.  That's all from me, just a great little moment I wanted to share.


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