Embracing the Suck
There are some techniques that feel good, and there are others that feel terrible. Either way, my game plan is the same, to train. I train to keep up my technique with what already feels good, and I train to hopefully suck less at the stuff that doesn't feel good. The interesting thing is that usually I'd get hung-up on what doesn't feel great, and either try with frustration to understand why, or just get plain frustrated and give-up; but now I see it more as a journey and look at my progress from where I started to where I am at now, not where I want to be. Sometimes that progress is minute, which can be disheartening too, but progress is still progress. One can't be expected to be awesome at everything, which is good, because I know personally I didn't grow as a person without my struggles. There are some things I've been working at for years with little progress, but I enjoy nonetheless, like golf. Has my swing improved a whole lot over the years? No. Do I still enjoy playing it and strive to be better? Absolutely. Same goes with my Kung Fu, for there are things that I suck at, but enjoy, and I strive to be better. Mastery isn't about perfection anyways, it is about development and continually improving. Even Masters aren't done working on improving their skills.
Guess what I'm getting at is that I've learned to be less harsh at critiquing where I am, and instead celebrating how far I've come, and learning to enjoy the journey, because Kung Fu is really fun. Now to go work on elongating my stances....
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