Unbelievable Feeling
Last night was my third time doing a Break-a-thon, but my first time breaking wooden boards. I was definitely nervous going in. Holding the wooden boards and looking at them, they looked thicker than one inch. First board break I used the green re-breakable board and did a front thrust kick as a warm up. Felt good. Second board I decided to use the wood board, and again, front thrust kick. Threw the kick and boom, it broke easy. It was an unbelievable feeling. Mix of excitement and surprise. For the most part I tested my technique on the re-breakable boards first before attempting the real thing. Honestly, the wood boards were a lot easier to break than I thought they'd be, and even easier for some techniques (hammer fist). I definitely encourage people to try a wood board for next years break-a-thon, it's easier than it may seem, and is a big confidence booster. Also shows you where your technique is at. It was also the perfect endorphin/serotonin dump that I needed that night, because I had a stressful day. Next year I'm for sure breaking more wood boards and trying out different techniques.
The other thing I wanted to note, and I think this is due to my training, is that even techniques that I haven't practiced much I found I was able to execute better. Don't get me wrong, there is no substitute for actually training a technique, but hammer fist for example, yes I had some trouble with the re-breakable board, only because my aim was off by a little bit; but when I tried it on the wood board, my body knew how to move based on my other training that it was easy to break.
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