Update Plus
Numbers update is as follows:
29,830 push-ups/sit-ups / 50,000
1,091 km ran/walked
318 Weapon Form / 1000
288 Lao Gar / 1000
945 pull-ups/ chin-ups / 1000
226 minutes of shadow boxing
954 Act of Kindness (AOK) / 1000
weekly blogging ✔
Tiger Challenge ✔
Mastery... definitely need to read more.
Book, still working on rewrites of chapter 4.
Clearly some areas that I do well in, and clearly some that I let fall behind. Easiest thing for me to accomplish by far is the Acts of Kindness. I find it easy enough every day to average 5 acts of kindness/day, sometimes more. A lot of these things become second nature in my life. Even in days that I'm not mentally feeling the best, providing acts of kindness is still an easy thing for me to accomplish.
Training has definitely been lacking as of late when it comes to my forms. Summer has really thrown a lot of wrenches towards my gears. I'm fitting in sections of forms, or some kicks/techniques where I can, but am feeling the lack.
Physically I've been feeling drained lately. Even after taking a week off of strenuous physical activity, my body is till feeling tired. I saw a colleague of mine who is a naturopath and we talked about it. Her thoughts is that we are coming off a stressful year, so our immune systems and nervous systems are already taxed. Add on the pollutants from the poor air quality we've been having and the extreme heat, and our bodies are basically in overdrive. This has shown in my sleep. I'm finding it hard to stay asleep throughout the night, so for the past 3 weeks now, my sleep has been continually broken up.
Mentally I've been doing okay, considering the poor sleep. Been thinking more and more about my personal and professional life, and how I've usually stepped into a place of leadership, and how I sometimes wish to get out of that role, so I can just do my thing and leave the rest. As much as that would be nice, I also know why I chose that position; it is because ai know I can get things done. Still, when you're the one making the bulk of decisions, it is nice to sometimes not to have to decide anything.
That's all from me. Any more and I'm afraid I'll start making less and less sense.
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