
         It has been a nice change to see my teammates outside of the formality of classes, but still inside the Kwoon. Having the chance to see a different part of their personalities has been a real treat; not to mention that it made the day go by quite quickly and made 'work' just feel fun.  I do apologize for the card game (I'm really not sorry though), it will be a great way to get our push-ups and sit-ups in, in an interesting way.  

        Our practice demos have had a unique effect on my weapon form.  Sifu Rybak has been having our form go with the music, and as I was performing my piece I felt the rhythm of my form change to match.  I was dancing with my weapon now.  My phrasing was even slightly different to match the beat.  Everything was definitely more flow(y) and less choppy.  Definitely a different way to practice the form.  I'm also curious of the fact that I found the form I made adapt to the music, as opposed to performing Lao Gar to the music I found I had a harder time getting in rhythm.  Maybe it is because I 'own' my weapon form and have not made Lao Gar mine yet.  Food for thought.

        That's all from me really.  I echo Sifu Langner's post that I am grateful for our team, for Kung Fu and for the Kwoon.  See you soon.


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