
        We're halfway through the year now, Chinese New Year anyways, and I've been reflecting lots of what I have set out to accomplish.  For sure there are things that I'm on track with, and other things that I'm definitely not, and of course because of injury/risk of further injury I will not be completing my goal of running a marathon this year. 
         It would have been a great goal to accomplish, but definitely not something that is worth the risk of further injuring myself and impeding other goals.  My physiotherapist and I think we have a good understanding of what is going on now, so it is up to me to do the work and get back on track.  
        Writing new pages for my book has hit a bit of a stall, but jumping back on that this week.  Still in rewrite territory, but it needs to be done if I want to progress the story further.
        My repetitions for my forms still aren't where I want them, nor where they need to be to meet my numbers for the year, but I am still developing my eye for detail on the reps that I am doing.  It has only been lately that I've added to my forms, learning the rest of Lao Gar 3, and learning Da Mu Hsing  5.  It is pretty neat, developing that eye for detail.  As a white belt, and even yellow, for me it was all about just learning new.  Like, sweet I got that piece, next please.  Looking at these same forms I am realizing how much detail there is packed into each individual piece.  Very first thing I learned was the step back into bow stance with high rising block and then step forward and punch in Da Mu Hsing 1.  The piece has also changed slightly from when I started learning it, but nonetheless there is a lot to dissect there.  Control the step back into the bow stance.  Strike up with the high rising block and have the ending time with the stance settling in, etc.  I have a lot more to dissect still.  Sometimes wondering if I'm spending too much time on the details and not enough on progression of forms...?
        Lastly, blogging and numbers for push-ups, sit-ups, etc are going very well.  Walking/running and acts of kindness are all ahead of where they need to be.
        Overall, I'd say that this is still my most successful year of I Ho Chuan.  I've learned of the areas that are consistently easy for me to maintain, and areas where I see I need to shake things up.


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