Last nights class brought me a lot of joy. It was great to be practicing applications again. It was great to be able to have physical contact again. I definitely forgot how much fun those classes could be; especially after a year and a half off. Being back in the Kwoon for sure has improved my headspace. Everything from bowing in, the layout of the space, and bowing out, really helps set me up for success. Not that training from home isn't good, it just doesn't have the same feel, and thus doesn't set my mind in the right space for optimal learning.
I don't hide the fact that I struggle with depression and anxiety. It is a part of me, and will most likely always be. Makes it so that simple tasks I tend to put off, not for any other reason than it can be overwhelming. The simple solution is to just perform the task and get it over with, which is great when I apply that mindset. Takes convincing sometimes. Kung Fu helps, more so in class, because it forces me to be in the moment, and forces me to be more aware of how my body is feeling. It is a chance for me to leave the negative thoughts behind for the hour that I'm there, and usually a couple hours after riding the endorphin high. Practicing at home helps to replicate that same feeling... for the most part. Home definitely harbours more distractions. When I think about why I chose Kung Fu, sure the physical aspects are obvious, but more and more I'm learning how beneficial it is to my mind.
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