Contraction, Expansion, and Everything In-between
I had a fantastic one-on-one with Sifu Vantuil yesterday. We discussed the idea of contraction and expansion in my forms, because there is definitely a few places I have a harder time feeling this. I know, and have had it explained, that some times this feeling is more internal (very difficult concept to wrap my head around and feel). As we were talking more about this concept, she talked about how she visualized her intent and also talked about her stance. That's when the lightbulb went off for me. All this time, I was focused on the expansion being towards my target; but when she talked about putting her energy into the ground through her footwork, it clicked that that is also apart of expansion. Not just expanding out towards my target, but expanding my energy into the ground as well. Brilliant! Needless to say, but I've been practicing with this concept in mind, and it has definitely felt better. I'm still not completely feeling that internal expansion, and I know I won't for some time, and that's okay.
Other than that, training is going well. Still not running, because I'm still focusing on strengthening my right knee. My writing/rewrites are coming along. I had written those first few chapters probably back in 2018, so I was in a different place then, so my writing now doesn't feel the same, so some bigger rewrites in some parts are happening. That's it for now. See you all on the mats.
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