A Different Focus in Training

         Training hasn't been going as planned lately, mainly because my days have been really full and it has been difficult finding time to squeeze in quality time.  This is not to say that I'm not doing any training, I'm still doing my push-ups, sit-ups and practicing kicks and techniques.  What I haven't been doing is my forms.  It is a new week though, and my days are looking less full, so great opportunity to get those numbers in.

        My kicks I've been focusing on that 3 point position, specifically get that hip pushed forward, and with my front thrust, keeping upright and not sinking down when throwing the kick, and getting more hip engagement by engaging my upper body.  Again, this has replaced my forms, because I can add reps into these anywhere and is not time consuming, but still very impactful to my training.  Forms are definitely on my list this week.  Ever get nightmares that if you leave the forms for more than a week that you'll completely forget everything you've learned?  Just me?


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