Starting Numbers of Year of the Snake

 Here are my numbers so far from the start of the New Year to end of February:

Km's- 338 km's ran/walked

AOK's- 159

PU/SU's- 4950 (push-ups for mental health was a great success, thank you to everyone who participated with me, and who donated to the cause)

Drunken Form- 84

Katana w/ scabbard- 70 (struggling a little bit w/ sequencing, but it's starting to come together)

Sparring- 76 mins.

So far a good start to the year numbers and training wise.  Work is still stressful, and this rough patch is going to continue for the foreseeable future.  My main concern is not letting that trickle in to my training.  I'm sure it has to some extent, but I don't want it to become detrimental.  Unfortunately with situations like I'm in, the only way forward is through.  I'm in the crap now, but I also know that 4, 5, 6 months from now it will be forgotten about.  I have made myself less available as my mental resources have been lower, so I'm protecting what I can.

Nina's training is going alright so far.  She just had some blood work again, after some concerns with her previous test.  She's good, happy, and still anxious.  I picked her up a thunder shirt to also help her with her anxious tendencies.

I'm continuing on with repairing a relationship from last year.  Still small steps, but they've been positive and moving in the right direction.

Enjoy the weekend!


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