The weight on my shoulders

         Lately I've been feeling the weight of my business.  Being a business owner can be a fabulous thing, but it can also be very stressful and draining.  I'm currently going through a stressful and draining period.  My lease is up for renewal next year, which will be year 7 that the business will have operated, and there is still some uncertainty.  That being said, I have just hired 3 new practitioners and am in talks with a 4th to add to the team, which will bring my total up to 13 practitioners and 5 staff.

        There is this weight that I carry.  The weight of my staff, my practitioners, and by proxy, all the clients that have come to us for help.  It is something that is not lost on me, the lives that have been touched in some way or another by Risen.  I know I do it to myself, placing this kind of pressure, but it is hard not to.  I've invested a lot into this place, and not just financially, but emotionally.  I set out to create a place that emphasized the care of my people as much as we care for others.  It is rooted in that strong foundation that we have grown into what we are.  Like many businesses though, we have had hurdle thrown at us.  The pandemic, which already seems like a distant memory, did put a lot of strain, and continues too.  It wasn't just being closed down and having to take out loans, but inflation.  The cost of business has just grown: rent, utilities, supplies, software, etc.. All of these things have increased in price, on top of having to pay off loans, and lost profits, it all adds up.

        At times like this, I know I tend to get tunnel vision, and I miss out on the things that are going well.  I try my best to shift to a gratitude mindset, but my butts getting kicked emotionally and I am exhausted.  I know this will pass, I just have to go through it.



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