Looking for Inspiration

             I’m still struggling to find some inspiration to reinvigorate my training.  It’s been feeling more like a chore lately.  Thursdays class helped a bit, but I’m not sure how sustainable that will be.

             My numbers have started to take a bit of a hit too.  Nothing to be worried about as of now, since I’ve built in quite a buffer, but also not a trend I want to continue for long.

             Also been feeling a bit of a disconnect from the team, but that’s on me. I’ve definitely been in my own world lately.

             Kind of all I’ve got.


  1. For me, inspiration is to be found if one just looks. Often it is found in the most unexpected places. This is why living in the moment with and open heart is so important. When I am truly in the moment and open my heart, my potential is limitless. Anything is possible.

    You are one of the biggest inspirations I have supporting me through the most stressful time of my life. I have not been to the Kwoon more than two or three times since March but yet my training is going great and my engagement is fantastic. I read your blogs and I enjoy our one on ones. They keep me engaged and inspired.

    We should get together soon.


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