Special Day
It was a pretty special day for me yesterday, I got to go to open training! Normally I don’t have the opportunity to go, because I work Saturdays from 10-3. Saturday’s are good days for business, because it gives people a chance to come in, who otherwise couldn’t during a busy weekday. I am thinking I should definitely just block off some time on that one Saturday a month to attend these more. I happened to have this one off because it was my partner, Sara’s birthday in the 12th, so I took the day for her birthday celebrations.
Now, yesterday was a good day for a multitude of reasons. The first obvious, and already stated, that I got to go to open training. What happened at open training included some sparring, some grappling work, some practice with my monk spade, and helping some other students with their forms; but most importantly was a conversation I had with another student. They told me the impact I had made on their daughter, and the change they saw. Their daughter went from not really wanting to go to class, to being happy and excited to go to class. All I had done was simple, I sat with them. I could see they were struggling and off to the side in class, and I just sat with them the rest of class to make sure they were okay. We traded a few words, but beyond that, it was just sitting.
I’m happy I was able to go to open training the other day, and happy that I made such an impact on another student from a simple act of kindness. Knowing that, and hearing about that really made my day.
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