Numbers for September

         Another month down, and 2/3rds of the year gone.  Summer time always seems to mees with people's routine, as does the start of a new school year in September.  Even with the best of intentions, September becomes of month of getting back on track and back at a more stable routine that summer seems to derail.  With that said, here are my numbers:

Km's- 2,484 Km's

AOK- 1,021

Push-Ups/Sit-Ups- 39,910

Lung- 536

Stick- 537

Sparring (mins.)- 645 mins.

Kicks- 4,273

- Still keeping up an online presence and blogging

- mending a relationship is going better, though I have a second relationship that I am caring for

- curriculum is going well... I think

- printed out Mastery, so have access to that to read more

- other requirements like *cough, writing* are non-existent

- have also been putting a lot of thought into what my requirements are going to look like for the Year of the Dragon, and how I can choose things that are really going to spur personal development and growth

        Overall, still making progress.  Still inching in the right direction.


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