Monthly Challenge
Sihing Kohut issued a challenge for the IHC to complete 1000 push-ups and sit-ups in a day in teams of 3. Now, it was my intention from the get go to go beyond this goal. When we started the challenge yesterday, a little late, but we had some injuries we needed to recover from first, we had completed around 600 by 11, noon(?). We could have easily gotten to 1000 early in the day and sit back and enjoy our accomplishment, but where's the point in that? This is the IHC, a team dedicated to Mastery. Just like our push-up and sit-up requirements for the year, sure we could get all 50,000 done within a few months, but that's not the point. I took that concept and applied it to the challenge. Why stop at 1000, when we were capable of going beyond our preconceived limits and do more?
I'm super proud of our team. Both Toudai Thelwall and Vogt did amazing! We kept posting throughout the day and inspiring each other to do more. We ended up doubling the goal, which is a huge accomplishment, and just proves how much more we are capable of. Looking forward to the next challenge.
Super duper impressed with you three! Part of the idea of the mini challenges is to be a tool to help incite mastery by giving people a regular, yet constantly changing goal. Aiming for mastery beyond the "mastery-aiding tool" is a very powerful thing. Keep it up :)