Adjustment here, tweak there

         I've been really working on my stances lately, and in particular, staying grounded in them.  It so happens that our instructors have been going over this in class too.  In particular it is transitions, especially ones with some "hippitty-hops", that I struggle with.  These transitions also usually have an upper body component where are arms are coming up, to prepare for a block or strike.  This is where I start to get disconnected, as my upper body pulls my center up, as I'm trying to stay grounded in my hips.  After some frustration, I'm finally starting to make some connections here and it is feeling better already.   They were really just some small adjustments, but they are making a world of difference.   

        When we talk about how we train at home, I know for me personally, I try different things, and I'll exaggerate them.  If something doesn't feel good, I'll exaggerate it to pinpoint why.  Same goes for when something is feeling really good, I'll slow it down and exaggerate the movement so I can get a feel for what is going right.  What I'm really trying to get after is what is my body naturally trying to do.  Obviously there are certain movements I don't normally do, so "natural" is something that has to be worked at, but regardless I try to move my body naturally, while still supporting the technique I'm trying to do.  I think the issue usually is when I try to fight that movement, or try to muscle something, instead of just letting it flow and take shape organically.

        A technique that I have specifically been working on, that is finally feeling better, is the catching and throwing of the ball at the start of Lao Gar 3.  I have struggled trying to figure this part out and to stay grounded, and have been making some headway.  So feeling really good about that.


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