36 Things....
I've ridden on this big blue rock now for 36 revolutions around a big gas giant. To commemorate my time, I wanted to list 36 things that I like about myself. I find most people have a difficult time doing so, and it shouldn't be that way. Afterwards, I'm going to list 36 things that I am grateful for.
36 Things that I like about myself:
1.My Heart 13.My knowledge of trivia 25.Ability to laugh at myself
2.My compassion 14.My bartending skills 26.My dry sense of humour
3.My kindness 15.Being a good host to guests 27.My deductive mind
4.My intuition 16.My self-awareness 28.My cooking skills
5.My empathic abilities 17. Enjoying my own company 29.Trying new things
6.My loyalty to my friends 18.My adaptability 30.Ability to push myself
7.My imagination 19.My work ethic 31.My sharp wit
8.My willingness to help 20.Ability/willingness to see the good in others 32.Self-refection
9.My athleticism 21.My open-mindedness 33.My creativity
10.My eyes 22..I'm a good listener 34.My Resiliency
11.Ability to cooperate 23.My vulnerability 35.My faith
12.Sense of fashion 24.Quirkiness 36.Love for myself
36 Things I'm Grateful for:
1.My lovely Wife 13.learning opportunities 25.Fresh air
2.Supportive Family 14.My Gym 26.Opportunities to travel
3.Loyal Friends 15.My body 27.Opportunities/Privileges
4.My business 16.Stories 28.Universal Health Care
5.My coworkers 17.Access to clean water 29.My freedoms
6.My clients 18.Access to fresh food 30.Stable work/income
7.My personal trainer 19.Education 31.Acupuncture
8.My Instructors 20.Board Games 32. My spiritual teachers
9.My Kwoon Classmates 21.Escape Rooms 33.My life
10.My Psychologist 22.Art 34.Technology
11.My depression 23.Nature (trees/plants) 35.Alone time
12.My home 24.Dogs/animals 36.Memories (good and bad)
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