I am connected

         I am connected to my family, my friends, my colleagues, and my classmates.  Although it is not written on paper, one of my goals this year is to be more connected to the people in my life.  I have a tendency to keep walls up around myself, and I can be very selective with the kind of energy I allow into my life.  Sure there are reasons I do this, and in some instances this is a good thing, it is healthy to have boundaries, but I know there are times that I cut myself off from opportunities and emotional connections that would be beneficial.  

        To achieve this, I am engaging more with my classmates blogs, I am going to push myself to speak up more at our meetings; with my friends and family I am messaging them more and setting-up more time to have a coffee or hang out (now that we can do those kinds of things).  Being an introverted person it is easy for me to enjoy my own company and be okay with isolation, however, I know my mental health can fall into the dark crevices of my mind if I allow it too, and being around people can help.  If the pandemic has taught me anything, it is that having a community is important to one's well-being, but communities involve effort of each individual to communicate and support one another.

        I am also working on connecting more to myself.  I have been ignoring certain aspects of my self that have been screaming for attention.  My creativity has been one of them, and it feels good to be writing again.  Taking time to sit in silence and listen to my body is also something that has been beneficial; often we ignore the whispers and wait to those whispers become shouts before we take action.  I push my body hard several times a week, and I am guilty of not allowing adequate rest and recovery time, so I've given myself two days a week to basically slow down and be a potato if I have to.  

        By working on these forms of connection, I cultivate connection with the earth, the animals, the people, spirit, the universe.  Only thing I'm still having trouble connecting is my harmonies.  Work in progress.  Constantly.




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