Short and Sweet

        I don't have a lot to report on this week.  Training has still been down.  Sounds terrible, but I can't wait for the month to be over.  I know I should be more mindful with my days, but December is just such a crazy month, it is hard to remain mindful.  I did notice with Da Mu Hsing last night that I was a bit choppy.   Which for me tells me that I need to be more mindful of my other forms throughout the year, and not just the forms I chose for I Ho Chuan.  Honestly, I'm just feeling my techniques dulled from the lack of training this month.  I push myself hard in class, and I'm pushing myself hard outside of class, it is just not always Kung Fu related.
        Other than that, I hope everyone has been enjoying my Holiday challenges.  We only have a few days left.  That's all from me.  Short and sweet this week.


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