
         It's always weird when there are no classes, I find it throws me off, even though there is still Kung Fu.  I made sure to get some reps in on my forms, because without doing so, I feel like I lose my edge.  Again, classes keep me on my game, like anything I do.  I'm not sure I ever noticed before how different practicing my forms outside of the Kwoon felt, but this past week I really felt it.  Different footwear grips differently and really threw off my body mechanics, so doing certain kicks, especially spinning back kick, felt really off.  The ground beneath me felt off, like I wasn't connected.  It's all kind of silly too, because in application, I'm not going to have the luxury of having my surroundings like the Kwoon, so it makes sense to practice these things in a different environment, in a different attire, and with shoes on.  I guess I'm just becoming more aware of how my body feels, where as before it was a lot more arbitrary when I practiced in a different setting.  That has been my biggest canoe as of late, feeling more, being more aware of self.  Kung Fu has definitely gotten me in-tune again of my "self", my being.

        So, even though there were no classes, there was still Kung Fu, and I gained some great insight outside of the Kwoon.  Though, I am looking forward to practicing on level ground again, because the grading in my backyard literally trips me up.  Till next time.


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