Acts of Kindness
Acts of kindness are an important requirement of the IHC, and I'd say more important in the world's climate of crisis right now. With so much turmoil and divisiveness, these small gestures are an important part of our humanity and vital to the future functioning of our society. We all have an opportunity, despite our differences, to remain kind to one another. I know well enough that it is easy to turn your back on someone when they have wronged you, or to turn on those asking for your help, whom refused to help you. Regardless of our political, religious, societal views, or of our values, kindness is an act that does not discriminate. As much as we need strong leadership, we also need more kindness in our lives. Never forget that this means being kind to self. So, if that means you stepping back from social media, the news, or even stepping outside of your home, then that's what you need. I know this is a stressful time for everyone, even if you don't recognize or realize that your feelings are different.
I've made an effort to do small acts of kindness to my staff. Even though some infuriate me, I'm taking the opportunity to do something nice for everyone, because I know how stressful this pandemic has been on everyone. I myself am not immune to the mental and emotional stress the pandemic has caused, and have myself have reacted poorly in some instances. So do something kind for someone else today, or for yourself, and also remember to give yourself s break too. We're all just human, and all trying to navigate a stressful time. Some of us cope better than others, but as always we are the creators of our own suffering, and we ultimately have the choice in how we react.
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