Breathe. Just Breathe.

          I was reminded today how stress affects our bodies, mainly how the tension it causes prevents us from taking full deep breaths.  It was during performing Kenpo that Sifu Rybak made me aware of this.  My breath was shallow causing my shoulders to raise up, but then drop and relax as I let out a big breath.  Then during my acupuncture treatment for stress, I was reminded again as I lay on the table and noticed my breaths getting deeper and deeper.
          Stress and tension are killers, and not just in a literal aspect, although that is true too.  No, I mean it's a killer when it comes to movement.  It creates rigidity in the body, and makes for a poor body movement.  When it comes for Kung Fu and practicing our forms, that rigidity makes for poor forms: reducing speed and power drastically, and throwing off our foundations.  It is a bit of a paradox.  There is a certain amount of tension that is needed in the body to be prepared for our fight or flight response; however, we need to be relaxed enough to utilize our attacks or defence fully.
          That's all I have for tonight.  Takeaway; just breathe.


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