Strengths and Weaknesses
While it is important to highlight our strengths, it is imperative that we address our weaknesses. We all want to put our best face forward, and show the world our best attributes, but on the other hand, it can be difficult to have the vulnerability to share our weaknesses. It is a skill like any other, and something that requires not only self-awareness, but honesty. Being honest with ourselves can be tricky because our ego doesn't like that side, and so we lie to ourselves, make excuses. In the end we are only cheating ourselves.
My 5 weaknesses are as follows:
-my lack of self confidence in my own ability creates a need for external validation. I still get in my head a lot, and am looking for the thumbs up from others. Although my biggest competition is me, I am slowly learning to trust that I have the ability and skill, and am working through journaling to see this.
-I struggle with follow-through. I have a lot of great ideas that just sit, waiting for take-off. I find it helps if I have someone else to help reign in my thoughts and organize them.
-I still struggle with getting ahead of myself. Like writing an exam with such speed and certainty that I don't properly read the answers correctly, resulting in dumb mistakes (this has happened on multiple occasions). I'm learning to slow down and trusting that I'll get to the goal I've set for myself. In my training it means focusing more on my basics/fundamentals.
-Emotions. Expressing emotion and being vulnerable enough. I internalize everything and let things fester and boil up instead of having a somewhat uncomfortable conversation now, it ends up being a big argument later. Anger is still a tough emotion. I grew up with either the silent treatment or the opposite and saw explosiveness that was abrupt. I've been seeing a counselor to help me explore these themes and help with my own expression of emotions.
-This last one is both my greatest weakness and strength. My self-awareness. It is a weakness because I spend a lot of time reflecting on how my mood and energy affects others, I do get resentful when the opposite isn't true. Basically those expectations and standards that I set for myself aren't shared by others, and why would they be, especially if I haven't talked about those expectations with them. Same with my personal growth, I can pigeon hole myself into the "not good enough" mindset. I still have more work to do, I'm not good enough for x,y,z yet. I can get hypercritical of myself and get really down on myself which can lead to feeling stuck or depressed.
My 5 strengths are:
-My self-awareness. It has helped me on my personal growth in all areas. It has made me a kinder, empathetic and more compassionate individual. It has honed my eye for detail, and shown me the similarities/rhythms in what I do.
-My determination. Some may call it stubbornness (perhaps a little of that too). Once I've set my mind to something I usually achieve it, unless I recognize that it isn't going to serve the purpose I set out for, or if it is no longer in alignment with my values.
-Empathy, kindness, compassion. I'm a very empathetic person, and I feel very strongly. As such, I try to lead my life with as much kindness and compassion as I can muster. That does not mean I'm a doormat, bit of a people pleaser sure, but I will stand up for myself. I do know that there's a lot of people who are carrying burdens no one can see, and that all it takes sometimes is a kind word or a simple smile to change their day for the better.
-My supportiveness. Although I often find myself in leadership roles, I actually don't like the spotlight, and would rather work behind the scenes to get things done. I like to think of myself as a guiding hand that helps lift others up. Even within my own business, my goal is to not only support my patients, but my staff and practitioners. I want them to succeed, I want them to be physically and emotionally healthy. When we lift others up, everyone wins. There is also enough success for everyone, it is not something to be coveted.
-My open-mindedness. Sure, I may have some resistance at first, depending on what it is, but in the end, I'm pretty open to most things. Doesn't mean I accept everything at face value, or agree, but I have the willingness and patience to listen and try understand other viewpoints.
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