Goodbye Dragon, Hello Snake
2024 and the Year of the Dragon has seemed to have dragged on. I have mentioned before that it was a tough year for me, mentally and emotionally. As much as I appreciated the lessons that I've learned, I am looking forward to the new energy the New Year brings. The Year of the Wood Snake looks to be a big year for me; I fully intend to grade for my black belt this year and I am making some big changes for the business this year too. Both of these things are going to be challenging, and push me in new ways, but I know that they are going to be very positive.
For this year, I've decided to create both of my forms. My hand form is going to be a drunken form, which I'm already having some fun with, and my weapon form is katana with the scabbard. As per Todai Ferris' challenge, the katana is a traditional samurai weapon used to slice. There are instances where one can use the scabbard/sheath as both a defensive and offensive tool, but that would usually be reserved for dire circumstances, as the scabbard wouldn't last too many hits against another sword for long. However, for the sake of my form, I am utilizing it as a dual weapon, using the scabbard offensively and defensively.
I am currently working on my 5 techniques. I'm playing around with movements, but am also trying to stay true to me. By that I mean, going with my natural reaction and making that work for me. I currently have 2 and a half techniques that I feel I am pretty solid with, but am experimenting with others. More the better and then pick the ones I feel are the most effective. I will admit this is challenging, mainly because I feel there are only so many ways to defend, so there is going to be some overlap with techniques we've already learned, I just need to put a spin on them to make them Nigel's technique. So I may be asking some of you to help me out with my experiments, and I may also ask some of you to perform the technique as well, so that I can see that it is applicable to different bodies.
Throughout this all, and the most important piece, is maintaining the right mindset for the year. I am fully aware that there are going to be challenges; some that are unforeseen and others that I can prep for. I fully expect to have some hard conversations with others, and myself. I am going to try to keep my priorities straight, and that will require me to keep my "Why" in front of me, being brutally honest with myself, and having reflection points across the year. I am setting the intention now that this is going to be a great year, regardless of the outcome, and that I am doing all this to better myself and my future.
Km's- 4,385 km's ran, walked, biked, hiked, skated, and skied (and subsequently hiked up the hill after wiping out)
AOK's- 1,485
Push-Ups/Sit-Ups- 54,294
Da Mu Hsing- 923 (I believe this is a PB for me)
Monk Spade- 820
Sparring- 882 minutes
Can’t wait to see your progress this year. Don’t neglect the basics and reach out when needed.