Bell Let’s Talk Day: When is enough, enough?

                I’ve seen a few posts now about mastery, and the assumption that when you’re doing something that you don’t think resembles mastery, that it is then mediocrity.  In the spirit of Bell Let’s Talk Say coming up on January 22nd, I thought I’d put a mental health twist to this.

               So when is enough, enough?  As someone who has struggled with mental health for a long time, I’ve sought out help from therapists and social workers.  Doing the work is hard, it is draining, and it is also very rewarding.  However, I’ve found through the course of therapy that sometimes I get in this cycle of not good enough.  I’m not good enough yet, I still have more work to do.  It shouldn’t be like that.  Sometimes we need to step away and say to ourselves that we are good enough as we are right now.  Acknowledge that there is more work to be done, there always is, but allow yourself a break.  Let yourself be good enough in this moment. Celebrate your successes, and recognize how far you’ve come.

            Taking a break, resting, prioritizing other needs, or just being isn’t necessarily mediocrity.  It’s when we’ve given up on our goals that mediocrity sets in.  If I’m taking a break, or prioritizing something else, but still have a plan of action in place, I’m still in mastery mode.  Like therapy, if all I’m doing is training, then eventually I’m going to burn out.  I need to build in periods of rest, I need to build in periods where I can say to myself that  I’m enough.  There are going to be periods where I feel like I’m just grinding and banging my head against a wall, and although that can be beneficial depending on my circumstance, it can also be a detriment if I’m not mindful about why I’m doing what I’m doing.

             I ask again, when is enough, enough?  Well, ultimately that is up for you to decide.  My answer to you, is that you are enough as you are right now; but, I’ll also be there to support you as you grow.


  1. Great blog! As important as it is to continually push our limits and look forward to where we want to go, it is equally as important to look back and see how far we’ve come! -Kayley (I can’t change my name from anonymous for some reason)


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