Dynamic control and six harmonies

        Although there were many good lessons to be had last night, the one that stuck with me was about dynamic control.  We were working on slashing sequence with the broadsword, going slow, pausing before the rotation.  It is apart of a greater sequence.  As I was focusing on it, I could really feel the engagement of my hips and shoulders during these moves, and so I was curious how it felt during the actual form.  Yes, I was exaggerating the motions, so therefore could feel everything more, but I think I am not quite getting the engagement I want during the form.  Although that may have to do more with my harmonies, I do think it is tied closely to dynamic control too.  As I start to speed everything up, I could feel the timing issue and areas where my harmonies were a bit off.  It also felt like my blade blurred the line between being a slashing motion and a just kind of putting my arm out there.  I really want to focus on going slow and exaggerating all of my movements in the broadsword form now to see if I can feel better the motions and where my transfer of power should be.

Numbers: Km's- 1427

                 AOK's- 490

                 PU/SU's- 20,584

                 DMH- 292

                 Monk Spade- 291

                Sparring- 417


  1. Your awareness that your timing is off when you are doing the broadsword form is an indication that you are aware of your chi. This is a big positive as, I believe, you are past the spirit with intent and intent with the chi harmonies. Now you are working on chi with your strength - the final step.


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