Intent and Pulling

         My one-on-one yesterday definitely had a theme, and that theme was "Intent".  We talked about intent in the context of technique, forms, and what the instructors and myself is trying to achieve.  We talked about manipulating intent as well.  

        This came about because of my intent with certain movements.  One of those movements was the front thrust kick, which we also talked about how the kick is meant to be pulled into place.  More on that later.  My intent up until this point was getting that hip activation, because I've been drilled about getting that hip involved.  So, I worked really hard on getting that hip behind my technique.  Somewhere along the way, I lost the intent my instructor had in mind for me when telling me about the kick.  I was so focused on activating that hip, that the kick turned into a push instead of a thrust with that snap we're always talking about.  I recognize this now, and understand what my instructors were trying to help me accomplish.

        Another area I was having difficulty with was in Hung, with the explosive double back fists.  This came about playing with contraction and expansion in my forms.  The tightness in my shoulders was preventing me from the ideal, so I tried to force the ideal; or in other words, my intent was focused on the ideal, and not the actual technique.  A suggestion was made, and I was able to instantly connect it with something I'm already doing in Lao Gar 3.  Shoulders are tight, so to maintain my technique, I need to lead more with my elbows, but still direct my energy out the back fist.

        Last area I was having difficulty with was the finishing of the opening bow.  My intent here was to make sure that everything was finishing at the same time.  Here I was told that there is a difference between having my mechanical (skeleton) finish at the same time, versus releasing my energy and having things settle.  This bit of insight in such a seemingly simple part of the bow, has translated over to all of my forms.  I just need to apply it now and work on the sensitivity to feel when I have achieved that.

        Now, there is another area that I have been working on that has given me troubles, and again, both intent and the conversation on pulling has come into play.  The technique is the catching and throwing the ball sequence at the start of Lao Gar 3.  I have had some instruction on this technique in the past and thought I was making improvements.  In hindsight I was, but it was a stepping stone to mastery, and I have received another stepping stone towards that path.  Before my intent was again to launch that hip behind the technique.  By doing this, I was again pushing the technique.  This morning when I was playing with the technique and thinking about how techniques should pull, this shifted my perspective.  My hip should pull my hands with them when creating the circle, instead of pushing or muscling the technique.  MIND  BLOWN.  How do I achieve this?  Relax my shoulders, something else I need to work on.

        It only took me a year of doing this form, but I have some great insights that I can apply and make it better.


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