
                I really should have shared this last night, and I’m going to make a better effort to be more vocal at our meetings; but I am so grateful for having Kung Fu and for having the Kwoon, my instructors and teammates.  Being at the Kwoon always puts me in a good mood.  Work has been stressful for me, and it’s easy to get caught in that negative spiral and forget all the things that I have to be grateful for.

                Master Brinker really made a good point that I plan on implementing right away.  It has to do with acts of kindness, and the opportunities we miss where we could have been more kind.  A simple smile and hello can go along way, and I know for sure, when I’m stressed at work, I forget to do such a simple act. 

                Being a leader is very challenging, more so when there’s a lot financially riding that you’re responsible for.   It’s easy as a contractor/employee, because they can just go home at the end of the day, and if the business fails they have opportunities elsewhere.  As an owner, there’s more weight to be held.  I make it a practice of asking myself what kind of leader do I want to be.  What qualities do I value as a leader.  Usually the top answers for me are a leader that is kind and understanding, a leader who is open and honest, and a leader that inspires others to be kinder to one another and themselves.  

               Mediocrity has definitely creeped into my work life, and I am not the leader that I want to be, but I know I have the tools to turn that around and be more engaged.  I’ll keep you all updated on how that goes.


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