
         I've recently started listening to Brene Brown's book Daring Greatly, and in it she talks about engagement.  Specifically, she talks about how it is our engagement with others that leads to building relationships, as well as an openness to being vulnerable, which is all apart of this engagement.  This really got me thinking about not only my relationships at home, and at work, but with my teammates.  I know that I personally am sometimes hesitant to ask a question, or bring something up at our Q&A's or other meetings, because I either feel like it's something obvious I should know, or that I'm wasting time that someone else could be using to ask a better question.  This links back to the vulnerability aspect.  I am  getting better at this part, same with engaging on my teammates posts.  The thing I'm still struggling with, is that vulnerability part. I have to remind myself that we're all here to learn, and that in order to get better, I need to show where I'm at now, even if it's not where I want to be.


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