Staying Motivated, Numbers Update, and Brain Dump

         This year of the Ox has by far been my best year of I Ho Chuan.  I know that may still be premature to say, considering we are only a couple of months into it.  It was definitely a rough start for me, because of the death of my dog, but nonetheless, I've managed to keep up with everything.  Having challenges, both external, and my own personal ones has helped keep me motivated and on track.  The warmer weather is also of benefit, because I can take my Kung Fu outside (I think I may be solar powered), allowing me more room to practice my forms without fear of putting a  hole in the wall.  Being back in the Kwoon has also been a welcome change.  I pick-up on the energy of others, so being around other people who are themselves energized from being back in the Kwoon just adds to my motivation.  Having said that, I know we are heading back to Phase 1 restrictions, so I anticipate change yet again. 

        Number update: 9300/50,000 push ups and sit-ups

                                    229/1000 Acts of Kindness

                                    289 Km walked/ran

                                    79/1000 weapon (looking to really improve this number with the better weather)

                                    60/1000 Lao Gar 1&2 (again, practicing outside has already yielded higher #'s)

                                    408/1000 Chin-ups/Pull-Ups

                                    40 minutes of shadow boxing (I actually forget how much a round of sparring is)

                                    Weekly blogging has been going great (most definitely my best year for this)

        Other than all of that, my mental health has improved lately.  I got to be alone for the first time in like 5 years, which was something I didn't know I needed, until I got it.  Gave me a chance to recharge my emotional batteries and also allowed me the opportunity to sit with myself and ask myself what I needed.  I am someone who picks up on other people's energy easily, so having space away really allowed me recenter.  I think that's all I've got.  Hoping some more people jump in on the challenge I gave to Sifu Ward, 250 push-ups and sit-ups/day for the month of April, which for the record is 7,500 for the month.  A good way to pad your numbers.        




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