Power vs. Technique

Lately I've been trying to as my Sifu would tell me, take the tail off my moves.  I'm focusing more on my technique and control, especially of my kicks.  So far this has not only helped me save my knees, but has also helped me communicate more to my limbs.  Sounds kind of silly, but it's true.  Proprioception is the term.  Our body has tiny sensors all over called proprioceptors, and there job is to communicate back to the central nervous system where our body is spatially.  It determines limb velocity and movement, the load we place on our limbs, as well as limb limits.  All of this is important for a couple of reasons.  One, it helps prevent injury; and two, its so we don't trip over or run into things.  Take for example the act of walking up steps.  Our body knows just how much force we need to climb the stairs without tripping over each step or taking giant steps.

So why do I bring this up?  Proprioception is like anything; if you don't use it, you lose it.  For many of us, throwing kicks, especially when new, is foreign to us, and quite simply our bodies don't have the information required to properly execute a proper kick.  We have to teach our bodies, and build that proprioception, and trust in our limbs.  By throwing kicks without the full power behind it, I'm teaching my body the proper movements required, and building trust in my limbs.  The other thing I've noticed is that my flow in my forms is improving because of this, as well as my balance.


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