October Numbers
Here are my numbers from the end of October:
Km's- 3,349 km's ran/walked/hiked/biked
AOK's- 1,104
PU/SU's- 41,279
DMH- 618
Monk Spade- 591
Sparring- 712 mins
Been keeping up with my numbers overall. My form reps have taken a hit lately, but they're coming back.
As for some of my other personal requirements, my date nights with my partner is still going well. We are constantly finding ways to spend more quality time with each other, even if some of that is just 10-30 mins. My social media post for my business took a hit there for a while too, but I'm back on that, finding some traction once again.
Crazy we only have a few months left. Felt like there was still tons of time, but with the holiday month coming up soon, we really don't have as much time as I thought. I am excited for next years team. I'll be creating my own weapon and hand form this next year, which is daunting and exciting at the same time. Definitely going to push myself out of my comfort zone with that.
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