Inner World

         Over the summer, can't really pinpoint exactly when, but I hit burnout.  All I wanted to do, still want to do to some extent, is rest, rest rest.  

        I've continued to do a lot of deep spiritual work, confronting old wounds and patterns that are no longer serving me, and it has been exhausting.  Especially during a time of year that is meant for a lot of extroversion and activity, I did the opposite and did some deep reflecting.  I will continue this introspection, but see the need to break it up with activities that will help get me out of my head and into my body more.

        As a result of all of this, my inner world has been in flux.  This inner turmoil has been affecting my training and interactions with others.  Although I still to show up as my authentic self, I have felt the need to set up stronger boundaries.  My focus is to once again find some calm and balance in my inner world, so that the same expression can be seen externally.

        A positive from all of this is the spiritual lessons and understandings that have arisen from this deep work.  My connection to the spiritual plane and my energy work have all benefited.  I have cultivated more compassion for myself over this period, and as such, have cultivated more compassion for others.


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