Giving back to the Community
Risen has collaborated with the Spruce Grove Kinette's Club for the past 3 years, helping to collect toys and donations for the Christmas Hamper. It has always been my intention with my business to give back to our community, for it is our community that supports us. It is part of my goals next year for the IHC year of the Dragon to engage in 2-3 events (minimum) to give back to our community in some way. We have a few exciting ideas that we'd like to roll out.
As wonderful a time the Holiday Season can be, it's important to realize that it can be a very difficult time for others for various reasons, be it low income, trauma/abuse, death of loved ones, or any other reason. I personally know a few people that the Holidays are difficult for, and my heart goes out to them. That's why projects like the Christmas Hamper are so important, along with food bank and cash donations. We're painted a picture by society and the media that this is a joyous time of the year. A time for goodwill; but most neglect the goodwill part, or if they do engage, it is done without any real thought as to why, or to the people it is making a difference to.
This should apply to any of the fundraising we do, the WHY. Mindlessly raising funds to get the green stripe is missing the point. It should be about the why, and reflecting on how we can make an impact in people's, and animal's lives.
The above photo is of my massage therapist Deanna, being held at ransom by a gnome.
One of my own personal goals in the upcoming year is to partake in three (minimum) volunteering / giving-back-to-the-community events. Great minds!