July Numbers!
July showed some stagnation in my training in some areas, and some improvement in others. Summer is difficult, because it is so short I tend to cram it full of activities that tend to compete for my training time. Alas, here are my numbers for July:
Km's- 1,815 km
AOK- 765
Push-Ups/Sit-Ups- 30,810
Lung- 414
Stick- 412
Sparring- 500 minutes
Kicks- 3,098 (still not where I should be with this to hit 10,000)
Curriculum is going well, mending a relationship has been going well, I have 2 short stories on the go. 1 of the stories is just about done, the other I have too many big ideas, so it is turning into something a lot larger. I may just have to post what I have so far.
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