Be water my friend

         Bruce Lee has a famous quote about being water; "Empty your mind.  Be formless, shapeless, like water.  You put water in a cup, it becomes the cups.  You put water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle.  You put water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot.  Now water can flow or it can crash.  Be water my friend."

        This comes to mind because of the type of training I have been doing lately.  I have slowed down my movements and allowed my harmonies to flow, and the feeling is like that of water.  Instead of trying to muscle certain things and force the movement to happen, I'm going with the flow instead.  It can be seen as a "soft" or "gentler" approach, but there is a lot of power in there.  Like water, it can be soft, but it has that "crashing" aspect where with enough impact, it can be a deadly force of nature.  Also makes me think of a proverb about how a trickle of water can change a mountain; letting the technique do the work for you, and allowing the skeleton to get behind you,  instead of trying to force it.  

        Same goes for my state of mind.  Helps being on vacation and away from the usual stressors, but I'm finding my mind of that like water.  Going with the flow of things, instead of trying to fight against it.  Not stressing about time or deadlines, or feeling anxious about all that's ahead of me, just being in the moment.  Speaking of which, I am going to get back to enjoying my vacation and spending time with my wife and friends.


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