
Another year has almost gone by, and looking back at my numbers, it hasn't been as bad a I thought.  My hand form is sitting around the 700 mark.  I abandoned my weapon.  I've been having a hard time finding a katana form that is both entertaining and practical.  My acts of kindness are over the 1000 mark.

Now push-ups and sit-ups are a number that looks bad.  Both sitting around the 10,000 mark only.  However; numbers not apart of our I Ho Chuan, are looking very good. Now, I can back squat 285 lbs for 5x5; deadlift 320 lbs 5x5; strict shoulder press is at 105 lbs for 5x5; 1 arm dumbbell row 80 lbs for 5x5; and leg press 360 lbs for 5x5.

As an aside, lifting heavy has taught me a great deal about centering my weight.  Along with core stability, you need to be centred otherwise heavy weights will pull you too far forward.


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