Attitude of Gratitude
I am committing to gratitude journaling again. With the amount of stress I've been dealing with, I feel like Nigel has gotten lost, and that I don't have the resources available to deal with things. Basically, I've been getting upset and frustrated at things that wouldn't normally bother me, or spend time thinking about. Gratitude journaling has helped me in the past to refocus and to appreciate the things in my life that are going well, thus reducing my stress/perceived stress.
Gratitude is a skill, and if it is not practiced, we lose it. We take for granted all of the good things that are going on in our lives, and we all tend to focus in on the negatives. That is no one's fault, and it isn't some strange phenomenon, it's psychologically hardwired into us. We can overwrite that wiring with gratitude and watch the benefits unfold.
I know I have a lot to be grateful for and I am going to try and keep that in-front of me this year. Perhaps a gratitude project will be in the works for the team....
Km's- 70 km's walked, ran
AOK's- 42
Push-Ups/Sit-Ups- 970
Drunken Form- 8
Katana w/ scabbard- 11
Sparring- 15 mins.
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