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           I have been struggling.  There's no doubt about it.  I feel like I've been in a constant state of stress the past month and a bit.  Been really trying my best to manage it, and to keep it out of my Kung Fu, but that hasn't been easy.          I'm not going to get into too many details, but my business is going through a very turbulent period.  Trying to change things to get a financial step-up, and now dealing with some fallout and having, as of now, 4 resignations.  Whether the resignations are a direct cause, or if they were going to happen regardless I can't say.  Either way, it has been a mental burden.  I am seeking help to get better strategies at managing my stress levels during this time, as I have exhausted the breadth of my resources.          As far as my Kung Fu, I know the stress is starting to impact it indirectly.  From a purely physical stand...

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